French Early Literacy Resources
Materials to Support Systematic Phonics
What’s included?
- 36 Fundamental Sound Cards
- Individual Sound Books
- Blending and segmenting words
- Sound Charts
- Charts with words that contain only the sound that has been taught (Jolly Phonics sequence)
- French Dictionary
- Hollow Letters for Printing
- Songs for each of the 36 Fundamental Sounds in the French Language

Tell me more…
All of Primarily Learning’s resources support learning the code of the French language. They are high-quality, classroom-tested, and affordable. Have fun learning the French language! You can find these resources at the TpT Primarily Learning Store.
Check out these French Early Literacy Resources!
- Check out the French Early Literacy Resources available @ Primarily Learning on Teachers Pay Teachers.
- Resources complement science-based systematic phonics programs. (i.e., “Le Manuel Phonique” – now discontinued -by Jolly Learning Ltd.)
- All French Early literacy Resources are available in both PRINT Letters and SASSOON Font!
- Click the resources below to learn more.
- Follow the link in the PRINT French Early Literacy Resources to the SASSOON Font.
We created the French Early Literacy Resources to complement science-based systematic phonics programs.
French Early Literacy Resources – 36 songs!
- Check out Chansons Phonique. Get songs, classroom charts, or both the songs and charts to learn the 36 fundamental French language sounds.
Click the button to LEARN MORE.
French Early Literacy Resources – Phonics
- First, learn the 36 fundamental sounds of the French Language.
- Please Note: The implementation strategies for French are the same as they are in English! Check out the Jolly Phonics page.
- Are you looking for systematic/synthetic phonics information? Sue Lloyd has created a webinar to address implementation strategies and how to help struggling readers.
Click the button to LEARN MORE.
French Early Literacy Resources – Phonics and Handwriting
- Children also need to learn how to print the 36 fundamental French sounds.
- And these are great practice for kindergarten, grade one, and ESL children!
French Early Literacy Resources – Tricky Words – Sight Words
- There are 60 tricky words or sight words in the early years of French language learning.
- These words do not follow the rules and, therefore, cannot be easily sounded out.
- It is good to look at the word… and talk about the spellings of sounds that are both familiar and tricky.
- They are often taught with a “look and say” approach.
Click the button to LEARN MORE.
You asked for a Sound Wall! 36 – 8″ x 8″ Sound Posters and small card match-ups. Now included in both BUNDLES!
French Early Literacy Resources – BUNDLES
- Don’t forget to learn the 60 tricky words/sight words in the French language.
- You might find the Early Literacy Overview for Parents and Teachers interesting.
Click the button to LEARN MORE.
NEW RESOURCE – not included in either bundle.
The Letter Sound Printing Connection. Follow explicit printing instructions!
Please Note: These products were created as supplemental resources to complement teaching programs using manuals like: “Le Manuel Phonique.” These products were independently created and are not officially endorsed, sponsored, or affiliated with Jolly Learning Ltd. “Le Manuel Phonique” has been discontinued by Jolly Learning.
NOTICE: Janet Molzan, the French author of “Le Manuel Phonique,” has several new copies for sale on a first-come, first-served basis! To inquire email Janet at: [email protected]