Hi! I’m Laurie Fyke @ Primarily Learning, and I’m glad to meet you!
As an educator and professional Jolly Phonics Trainer, I enjoy sharing easy-to-implement ideas and strategies with fellow teachers and parents @ Primarily Learning.
Hi! My name is Laurie Fyke. It’s nice to meet you! I am a retired educator passionate about literacy, especially Pre-Kindergarten-Grade 2. I believe that all children should have the opportunity to learn in a safe, secure environment. Having worked in very diverse, low-economic areas, I often found myself creating ways to scaffold the learning for the varying ability levels of each child.
“My goal is to share information and resources to help both parents and educators empower each child to maximize his or her reading and writing potential.”
I am a mother of three and a grandmother of 6 wonderful kids! Throughout my career (and life itself), I’ve learned that it’s important to embrace each moment in time… even if it seems impossible at that instant. Love the kids you work with. They will love you back. Expect more, not less…of each child. They will do their best to live up to your expectations. Listen. Be mindful of what is happening in each child’s life. Have fun teaching. The kids will have fun learning! Keep the children engaged and active. Enjoy controlled classroom chatter. The children are processing life and learning.
What did Laurie Fyke teach?
I’ve taught a regular curriculum from Pre-K to Grade 4 and computer skills K-Grade 8. When I returned to a PreK-Kindergarten classroom, there was a lack of assessment. Sometimes children find ways to make you think they have a concept (i.e., phonological awareness skills), and they fall through the cracks, experiencing learning issues later. Because I believe in assessment-driven instruction and direct teaching (whole group, small group, and 1-1), I created a Kindergarten assessment and was encouraged by colleagues to submit it for publication. To my surprise, I became a published author when Scholastic, N.Y. published my PreK and Essential Kindergarten Assessment Books!
What is Laurie Fyke’s connection with Jolly Phonics?
I worked with many children who needed a boost to get them started with reading and writing. As I searched for ways to fill the gaps in their learning, I came across Jolly Phonics. The children needed a way to remember the sounds, so a friend, Kerrie Sinclair, and I, Laurie Fyke, created the Jolly Songs. Friends asked me to submit the songs to Jolly Learning. We met with Chris Jolly, and he expressed excitement about publishing them. Chris Jolly asked me to become a Jolly Phonics Professional Trainer in 2002.
I became a published author for Jolly Learning in 2005…. hence the beginning of the Jolly Songs!
What is the connection with Can Do Cubes?
Because I was involved with Jolly Phonics, I got to know and share ideas with amazing like-minded people like Sue Lloyd, Debbie Bible, and Michael Hughes.
Michael had developed the Can Do Cubes. Debbie Bible, Tara West, and I helped edit the North American version of the Can Do Cubes guidebooks. I saw a need and created a Teacher’s Handbook for the Can Do Cubes.
How did Laurie become involved with Teachers Pay Teachers (TPT)?
I often created resources to complement Jolly Phonics for my class and found that participants in my Jolly Phonics training sessions were eager to get copies. Therefore, a friend, Lynda Traves, encouraged me to market my resources. Meanwhile, another Jolly Phonics trainer, Sue Brunson (Wisconsin), recommended becoming a teacher-author on Teachers Pay Teachers! Guests at conferences, colleagues, and other friends encouraged me to share with others! Because of their suggestions, I began my TpT journey.
How lucky I have been to be influenced by so many people!
Laurie Fyke’s Credentials:
- BA and Teaching Certificate – Brock University, St. Catharines ON.
- My experience includes 30 years of primary teaching (K- Grade 4), library, and computers.
- Primary Specialist (1991)
- Special Education Part 1(1999)
- Teaching Reading Readiness (1999) Identifying these learners and developing their reading and writing skills.
- Librarianship Part 1 (2000)
- Jolly Phonics Professional Trainer (2002)
- Author Jolly Songs (2005) Jolly Learning
- Essential Kindergarten Assessments for Reading, Writing, and Maths – Author – (2007) Scholastic N.Y.
- Easy Assessments for Pre-Kindergarten – Author – (2007) Scholastic N.Y.
- Editor Can Do Cubes(2008) Deb Bible, Tara Jenner (The Brain trainer), and I edited support booklets for the North American market.
- Author Can Do Cubes Teacher Resource Package (2009) for using the cubes.
- Educational Teacher-Author Teachers Pay Teachers (2015-present)
Laurie’s Interests
Other interests include ballroom dancing, nutrition, fitness (… I need to spend less time at the computer!), gardening, and food!
Both this blog and my Teachers Pay Teachers Store (TpT) are under the name PRIMARILY LEARNING.
Although this idea of blogging and developing a presence on WordPress seems a bit overwhelming, I am looking forward to the challenge!