Life is Short. 🥀Have You Ever Lost a Loved One?

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Life is short. Losing a loved one is a journey through the depth of grief, where emotions ebb and flow like waves crashing against the shore. It’s a profound experience that shakes every foundation of our existence and leaves us feeling hollow and fragmented.

After a loss, there is a sense of absence—a void that cannot be filled with words or deeds. Memories flood our minds like a relentless torrent, each a bittersweet reminder of what once was and will never be again.

Yet, amid the pain and sorrow, there’s also a glimmer of hope – a flickering light that refused to be extinguished. It’s the realization that love transcends the boundaries of time and space, connecting us to those we’ve lost in ways that defy comprehension.

As we navigate the labyrinth of grief, we learn to cherish the shared moments, holding onto them like precious treasures. And though the pain may never fully dissipate, we often find solace in the knowledge that our loved ones continue to exist within the lasting impact they have made on our hearts.

In the end, losing a loved one is not just about mourning their absence; it’s about celebrating their presence – their laughter, their kindness, their unwavering spirit. As we honor their memory, we discover that even in death, they continue to guide us, inspire us, and remind us of the enduring power of love.

  • I was 18 when my 15-year-old brother became ill on the weekend and died of lung cancer three days later.
  • My dad passed away at 73 years of age.
  • 3 years later, my husband and best friend, Jim, left this earth after a 2-month battle with cancer. He was 53 years old.
  • Mom passed 2 and a half years later at 82 years of age.
  • This year, on February 27, 2024, we lost my brother. He had just turned 68.

I thought I would share my thoughts in verses that I wrote after Jim died. Perhaps reading this may help someone going through this very difficult time in life.

Life After Loss - The Unexpected 

Life has change.
Not planned change,
Nor change by choice...
But, life has certainly changed.

Our lives have been altered.
We shared a binding love
Between husband and wife....
Father and child.

We laughed and cried.
We experienced life
Sharing a bond...
That was supposed to last a lifetime.

Cancer reared it's ugly head.
A seeminlyg healthy man
Endured pain and suffering....
In a courageous battle for life.

The family remained steadfast.
Life stopped as children
Used vacation time and emotional energy...
To provide family support and loving care.

Two months passed.
No doctor, nurse,
Hospital stay, chemo, radiation, or test....
Could save his life.

Jim died July 29, 2004.
Disbelief, numbness and denial
Became part of our existence...
As life was expected to "return to normal."

Personal coping mechanisms appeared.
Relationships changed
As family members tried....
To deal with the unknown.
Five months passed.
Subconsciously we tried to bury our grief.
Obsessing with work, computers, or cleaning...
Until it surfaced again.

Our first Christmas has come and gone. 
The family unit remains stong;
But, patience is thin, emotions are raw...
And open communication is a lesson learned.

Jim's life has been well lived.
He gave the world 
Three wonderful people...
Who value integrity, honest and family. 

Jim remains alive in all of us...
From a fascination with technology
Or a zest for lifelong learning, to shared humor...
Or selfless love. 

His values will be passed on.
In our journey through the grieving process
We will learn more about ourselves...
And experience many new beginings. 

Life has changed.
Not planned change
Nor change by choice...
But, we have certainly changed. 

L. Fyke
January 2005

Life After Loss

The emptiness
The dispair
The silence
The tears. 
The feeling of fear.

The anguish
The sadness
The grief
The torment.
Dealing with death.

Like whiplash
No outward signs are visible
One experiences inner turmoil
And unforgiving pain... 
Yet life goes on. 

No obvious cast
No limp
No outward bruising
No wheelchair
No robe to don.

Initial support
Initial concern
Initial kindness
Initial care
Shared bereavement.

The cycles begin. 
Unimaginable loss. 

As the months pass
And anger
Are yet to be resolved. 

The loss is real.
And moving on
Are difficult to comprehend. 

Your presence 
Is still in my life
I feel you.
Yet you are out of my life. 
I can not touch you. 

Your essence
Is still in my life.
You guide me. 
Your body does not exist.
I can not see you. 
Your love
Surrounds me.
My loss 
Encompases me,
I am alone.

Hiding in my body
Hid within my soul,
Obvious to few... is grief.
Loneliness and meloncholy lurk.
For others, patterns of life have resumed. 

Daily living continues...
As outward appearances 
Slowly change
From a façade
To a new reality. 

Some aspects of grief are resolved.
Tears and yes, more tears
Ebb and tide like the waves.
Slowly permission to feel and experience life
Paves the path to new beginnings. 

L. Fyke 
May 2005

I cannot leave this page without my tribute to my wonderful brother, John.

tribute to brother

Seven and a half years after I lost my husband… I was blessed with meeting and sharing my life with another wonderful person. We have shared life, love, loss, family, and friends. My world expanded. I have shared 12 wonderful years with my best friend and partner. I learned that I can love again!

life after a loved one dies

Life is short. I wish you all happiness and love. May you be blessed with family and friends.


p.s. Have you ever lost a pet? You may find this post interesting.

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